My Swallowtail Lace Shawl

I found this free pattern on Ravelry and it looked interesting.  Enough changes are in the pattern to keep it from becoming boring.

It does require one to pay attention to what you are doing.  It is not mindless knitting by any stretch of the imagination.   I did read many of the notes left by others and the one complaint, if you will, were the nupps.  I found them not to be a problem, but I attributed that to my ChiaoGoo Red Lace circular needles.  The points are very sharp on these needles which allows you to make the nupps without much difficulty.  I also created the nupps and then knitted them together through the back loop before continuing on with the row.  It was just easier for me to do it that way, than to purl 5 stitches together on the wrong side row.  But there are several YouTube videos on how to execute a nupp.

For this project I used Chroma Worsted in New Leaf and size US 9 needles.

mss 1 a

mss 4 a

mss 3 a

ETA:  I would suggest using a lifeline through out the knitting of this shawl as it is a royal pain in the ass to tink back when you make a mistake.  And, believe me, you will make a mistake, everyone does.  It is so much easier to frog back to a certain point (the lifeline)  than it is to tink back a row or two to correct a mistake.

Scalloped Triangle Shawl (Crochet) Photo Tutorial—virustuch2sts2

(^See that link^ the English written version is there)

I found this wonderful crochet pattern on Ravelry.  It is easy and quick.  The pattern uses fingering/sock weight yarn and a small hook, but I used worsted weight yarn and an H hook.  I posted a photo of the completed shawl on Facebook and encouraged several of my friends to try the pattern.

I decided to do a photo tutorial in case they had questions on the instructions.   This is where I found the pattern:—dreieckstuch

Scroll down the page until you see “Click here for authorized English translation.” Click on the word “here”.

Or you can click on the first link provided above for a video presentation of  how to work the shawl.

Now for the photo tutorial:


Chain 10 and join with a slip stitch.

Chain  3, make 19 dc in chain 10 space, but do not join. (20 dc) Chain 3 counts as first dc.

Chain 3 and turn.  1 dc in EACH dc  for a total of 20 (chain 3 counts as 1 dc). Your last dc will go in the top of the chain 3.

Chain 4 and turn. 1 dc AND ch 1 in each dc for a total of 20 dc.

Chain 13 and skip 1 space and sc in next space. Chain 5, skip 1 space and sc in next space. repeat for a total of 3 chain 5 sections.

I wanted to add this graph for those of you who find following a graph easier:

scalloped shawl graph

This should get you started. Follow the photographs.

T 1 T 2

Row 1:

T 3

Row 2:

T 4 T 5

Row 3:

T 6 T 7

Row 4:

T 8 T 9 T 10 T 11 T 12

Row 5:

T 13 T 14 T 15 T 16 T 17 T 18

Row 6:

T 19 T 20 T 21 T 22 T 23 T 24

Row 7:

T 25 T 26 T 27

Row 8:

T 28 T 29

Rows 9 – 12 repeat previous rows. Hope these photos help you understand the this pattern and make it easier for you to do.

P.S.    If you have specific questions that this tutorial does not answer for you, please check out the link above.

Here are photos of my first one and the second one (in progress):

STShawl 1

Project photo

ETA: here are some sites that may help you on how to block a shawl either knitted or crocheted.

Thank you for following my blog. I am glad you like this particular post. However, since all possible questions regarding the pattern are already answered in the body of this post or the comments, no further questions will be entertained on this post.


Idle Hands and All That…….

My hands are definitely not idle.  I am always doing some crafty thing.  If I don’t keep my hands busy, they tend to want to shovel food into my mouth and my mouth never refuses. So I must keep them busy doing other things, cooking, cleaning, sewing, knitting, crocheting….something.

My latest crafty thing is this shawl.  It is a free pattern on Ravelry.

GS 2

Here is the link if you want to make this shawl yourself:

Multnomah Shawl

I joined the Knit Picks group on Ravelry and there was a SAL (stitch along). We could use any shawl pattern that showed off several of the the Knit Picks color changing yarns. Several patterns were suggested and I chose the Multnomah Shawl pattern.

Initially, I thought this was easy and it was. The hard part was when the shawl “grew”. Each new row was longer than the last one. I had reached a point where I was ready for it to be DONE! It took longer and longer just to finish one row. I worked on this shawl for almost 30 days (1 month) before it was finally done. But I must say, I am pleased with the end results.

I think the next shawl I work on will start off with 300 kazillion stitches and decrease to one. At least then the final rows will go really FAST.

Chroma Worsted Shawl

Well I wanted to make a shawl. An EASY shawl. So I searched You Tube (gotta love You Tube) and found how-to’s for a simple triangular shawl.

That was easy. I followed the instructions and knitted the triangular part with one ball of yarn. I just kept knitting until I ran out of yarn. Then I decided to add a crocheted edge. Don’t ask me for the pattern, because I made it up as I went along. I used what fit the shawl, improvising and setting my mouth right to get it to work.

Looking at it, I thought well it’s large enough for a scarf. So I had to block it to stretch the yarn and make it at least resemble a shawl. That was a little tricky. I used lace blocking wires and stretched that sucker tight. Then I let it sit until it dried. I’m pretty happy with the results.

Before blocking:

During blocking:

After blocking:

BTW, I used Knit Picks Chroma Worsted in New England colorway.