Getting those UFO’s Done

I’ve been working on a few knitted items that have been on the back burner for awhile. Now I’m down to only 4 unfinished objects.

This hat, a Jacques Cousteau, hat was rather quick to finish. Easy pattern.

Now this mitt was NOT EASY!! The pattern, a graph, is done in grey and white. Makes it difficult for old eyes to see well. Had to use a line magnifier to be able to read the line I was working on.

Only one more mitt to go and I’ll be done with this pattern. I don’t think I’ll be doing a repeat unless the designer decides to do the graph in color or at least make it larger…like 6 feet by 4 feet.

Here it is December 22, 2012 and I finally finished those Fighting Words Mitts. I will definitely NOT be making any more of these.

Fighting Words Mitts 001a

Counting Down to Retirement

WOW! Just a couple more months and I will be officially retired! My last day to work (or nite in my case) will be January 31, 2013.

I will be among those footloose and fancy free, officially old folks (per my son) with too much time on my hands and not enough money.

I will complain about my aches and pains, the outrageous prices in stores and those young whipper snappers who drive way too fast on the road.

I will wear red and purple or pink and green all at the same time and stick my nose in the air at those youngsters who laugh at my color combos.

I will claim those senior citizens discounts whenever I can and enjoy my 25 cents or 50 cents that I saved just because I’m old.

I will begin all my stories with, “back in my day” and ignore the “here she goes AGAIN!” looks I get from the younger generation.

I will eat what I want to eat and begin my days with chocolate, the ambrosia of life.

I will drink tea in special cups and use the good china just because.

I will take walks with my dog because I have the time and I will let my cats lay on my good clothes.

I will nap during the day and get up in the middle of the night and watch TV.

But most of all I will enjoy my freedom…to do what I want, when I want…until the money runs out and I have to wait for the next month’s check.

Demanding Cats and Their Servants

Here I was, sound asleep and snugly warm in bed, dreaming pleasant dreams. In the distance I hear “Meow, meow, meow”. It was so insistent, but I ignored it. It got louder and louder, so I covered my head. Still no relief from the constant “Meow, meow, meow”.

Finally, I opened one eye only to see one of my cats on the nightstand not 12 inches from my face.

“What do you want?” says I. More “meowing” answered my question. So I get up and follow him to the kitchen where he runs to the food bowl. It was empty and evidently he was hungry. So I filled it and he began eating and purring.

Wish I had his kind of servants.

The Kindness of Strangers

I worked all night and I was tired when I left, but I stopped and got groceries. When I got home, hubby and I brought the groceries in and put them away.

By this time I was starving, but I was too tired to fix anything. So we decided to go to Denny’s. We had their new Hobbit fare. It was good.

When we got ready to leave there was a long line at the checkout. A group of young people (definitely younger than me), was waiting to pay, but they told me to go ahead of them as I looked like I was going to work. (still in my uniform). I told them I had worked all night. One young woman asked where I worked and I told her at a nursing home. Then one of the young men asked to let him pay for our meal. Of course, I said No. But he kept insisting. An older gentleman with them, said to let him pay for it. The young woman took my bill and handed it to the young man. I thanked them profusely and they thanked me for what I do as a nurse.

I’m getting choked up just typing this. God bless them. He knows who they are.

Let’s Talk Bras

Yes you read that correctly. Bras!

Oh how I hate to go bra shopping. Over the shoulder boulder holders are the most uncomfortable things invented by man. And I am sure a man invented them. Just another torture device to inflict discomfort on the female population. No wonder women are moody! If men had to wear these things, they’d be moody too.

Needless to say, I think I’ve tried every bra on the market, seeking that elusive comfort. I’ve tried Cross Your Heart, no name bras that looked comfortable but weren’t; even Victoria’s Secret bras. I hate that the straps slide down no matter how much you “tighten” that little sliding plastic thing. Or those hooks in the back causing you to fasten it in the front then twist it around to the back scraping your skin as you go. Even the ones that hook in the front are bothersome. The front hook will twist sideways and come undone, especially in public, which leaves you looking for the nearest bathroom to fix the offending contraption. And underwires, PAAALEASE! They eventually poke through causing you to get stuck every time you move.

So what does that leave? Sports bras. Most are just a tight fitting stretchy thing that creates that one boob look, but at least they are comfortable.

Then along comes the Ahh Bra. A little bit of a contour sports type bra. Well, why not? So I got 3 and I must say I’m in love. Where have you been all my life? So glad I found you. The older I get the more comfortable I want to be. Screw fashionable. Just make me comfortable.

So, how’s your bra treating you?