Ponce de Leon Springs State Park

We decided to take a day trip and visit one of our local state parks.  I had seen the advertisement on line and thought it would be a great place to visit.

It is a small, but beautiful state park.  The swimming area is fed by two springs which keeps the water a constant 68 degrees.  You can also see fish in the swimming area.  We saw a few butterflies and dragonflies and felt the sting of some mosquitos.  

If you decide to visit, bring your cooler with drinks and food and your bug repellant.

Here are a few pics for you to enjoy.

Possible Pincushions

We went to a few yard sales yesterday and I found some cups and other containers that I can possibly turn into pincushions. 

I even found an unopened bag of fiberfill and some fabric.

Hubby found several puzzles.  He spent a total of $4 on all that he got.  I think I spent more.  But we had a great time until the heat and humidity got to us.  Then we called it a day.  Went home to the AC and some cold sodas.

I managed to watch one movie before I crashed.  I had worked all night so I was definitely tired.

Here’s a pic of my “treasures”.

More Pincushions

Yes, I’m still working on pincushions.  They are so easy to make and it relaxes me.

On one of my groups, we have a craft challenge.  The moderator heading up this challenge sends gifts to the winner(s).  So I sent her a few pincushions to add to her gift stockpile and told her to let me know when she needs some more.

Making these pincushions certainly has opened my eyes to alternative uses for everyday objects.  I have used candlestick holders, cups, glasses, decorative metal pieces, jars, picture frames, etc.    I’m sure as time goes on, I’ll find more interesting everyday objects that can be turned into a pincushion.