The Cost of Medicine in America

First I am only relating what is/has happened to me.

I have high cholesterol.  I have tried diet to control it, but really didn’t put a lot of effort into it.  I exercise but knee problems prevent me from becoming the world’s next champion body builder, LOL!

Anyway, my doc has had me on several Statins to control my cholesterol and I relied heavily on them.  It required very little effort on my part, other than to swallow a pill.

But each time I am on a Statin, I end up with severe muscle pain.  So this recent visit resulted in a discussion about which would be better for me.  He decided to use Livalo, not as potent as the others, but far less side effects.

So I get to the pharmacy to pick up my meds.  First , they tell me they don’t carry it, but they  do check its cost for me.

$210.00 every friggin’ month as my co-pay!!!!!!!!

That is totally ABSURD!

Of course, I tell the pharmacist I cannot afford that…who can?.  Then I call my doc’s office and tell them the same thing.  I don’t know what he will order, but I know one thing……I’m sure going to change my ways….I plan to put forth more effort into losing weight and eating right.

I just might get lucky and not have to be on a Statin to lower my cholesterol.  I sure hope so.


Politics….Heaven Help Us!

I am not going to say who I am voting for.  I’m not even going to say who I think should be the next president or why or whatever other reason there may be.

I am going to say that I am so tired of all the BS that BOTH candidates are spewing out of their mouths.  It would serve them right if they BOTH LOST the election and some unknown became our next President.

Let’s face it, Lies are Lies.  And no matter how many times it is repeated, it will never be the truth.

Maybe we should all be praying hard for this country to survive this mess….doesn’t matter what religion you are or even if you have no religion, just think positive thoughts.  We need all the help we can get.

jon 20