My Dealla Cardigan

I found a sweater/cardigan pattern of Celtic design that I fell in love with.  It is on Ravelry, if any  of you are interested.

It can be bought as a single pattern or as a book from the Knit Picks website.  If you decide to by the book, spend the extra money and have a hard copy sent to you.  If you opt for the e-file, it is 65 pages long and will use up all of your ink.   So it will be cheaper to have a hard copy sent to you.

Here are my notes (so far) from my Ravelry page that I have made regarding the Cable Panel Chart:

I believe the Cable Pattern Chart legend needs a little more clarification. The symbol for the purl stitches should read: “purl on right side, knit on wrong side” and the symbol for the knit stitch should read: “knit on right side, purl on wrong side”.

I also used yellow marker to color in every other row to make the pattern/chart easier to follow/keep my place.

I am also using bamboo double pointed needles, 8” and one 5”. I use the 5” bamboo dpn as a cable needle. I find it works better than regular cable needles.

Just thought I would add this: Rows 22, 23 and 24 on the Cable Panel Chart are supposed to be the same as Rows 6, 7 and 8. So I added in those red circles where a black dot should be. See Photo.

The 4th photo shows what I keep handy when I am working on the cable chart. From left to right: a notepad with the rows 1-30 written down. I write hash marks by each row as I finish it. The chart with a ruler placed under the current row I am working on. The legend to be able to quickly refer to what a particular symbol means and the correction sheet to be used as I come to those areas where corrections have been made.

I had to write row 5 down because every time I came to it, I had to stop and think which direction I wanted the cables to go. So here it is for any of you who just want to knit the row without having to think about it every time you knit it.

Row 5: P3, 2/1 LPC, 2/2 RPC, P1, 2/2 LPC, 2/1 RPC, P3

Well I keep trying to add the link to my Ravelry page and a link to the pattern page and for some reason it just won’t stick.  So if you want the pattern, go to either Ravelry or Knit Picks and look up Dealla Cardigan or Celtic Journey, respectively.

3/27/16 I am working on the sleeves.  Then I will do the front band.  After that, all I will have left is to sew it together and weave in all loose ends.


Here are some pics from the designer:

Here is where I am so far:

my dealla cardigan

Newfie Gloves

I really enjoy making Newfie Mittens.  But recently I was wondering if there was a corresponding glove pattern.

I searched several different places but was unable to find one. So I had to come up with one on my own.

I am posting here what I did to accomplish this project so that you can also make them if you wish.

Newfie gloves



Newfie Gloves
Please if you have never knit gloves before, try a simpler pattern before doing this one.  This pattern assumes that you have experience knitting gloves.
Fingering yarn in 2 different colors, i.e. verigated and solid, contrasting each other
US 2 (2.75mm) double pointed needles
k = knit
s = slip
p = purl
Increase stitches:
kfb = knit into the front and then the back of the designated stitch
m1 inc = lift bar between 2 stitches, from the back and place on left hand needle.  Knit through the back of this new stitch
p1 inc = lift bar between 2 stitches, from the back and place on left hand needle. Purl through the front of this new stitch
Pattern 1: *k4, s2*,  repeat to end of row
Pattern 2: k1, s2, *k4, s2*, repeat to last 3 stitches, k3
With varigated yarn, cast on 64 stitches.  Join and k2 p2 until cuff measures 3 inches, increasing 2 stitches in last round (66 stitches).
Attach solid color yarn and work 5 rounds of Pattern 1.
Purl 2 rounds with varigated yarn.
With solid color yarn work 5 rounds of Pattern 2.
Purl 2 rounds with varigated yarn.
Thumb gusset (worked on round 1 of pattern 1 in example below):
Now comes a tricky part. With solid color yarn, m1 inc, k1, m1 inc. Place marker at this point.  (3 thumb gusset stitches before marker)
kfb into next stitch so that you will have the same number of stitches you had before beginning the thumb gusset (66 stiches not counting any of the thumb gusset stitches)
Alternate Pattern 1 and Pattern 2 (5 rounds each) and at the same time increase the thumb gusset every third round until you have 17 stitches before the marker.
Pattern 1
round 1  increase thumb gusset as described above (3 stitches)
round 2
round 3
round 4 increase thumb gusset m1 inc at beginning of gusset and again before marker (5 stitches)
round 5
Purl one round with varigated yarn, including gusset stitches
p1 inc at beginning of gusset and again before marker, with varigated.  Continue purling to end of round.
Just remember that if you have to increase the gusset on a knit round (solid color yarn) you will  m1 inc and if it is on a purl round, you will p1 inc.
Once you have 17 stitches before the marker, work 2 round, then slip them to waste yarn or ribbon.
Continue  in pattern until you have completed a total of 10 patterns or desired length to fingers.
Break verigated yarn leaving a long tail to weave in later.
Beginning with index finger pick up 16 stitches and cast on 2.  Divide on three needles and knit until yarn is just one round above fingertip.
Decrease in this manner:  K1, K2tog around.
K2tog around.  Cut yarn and thread through loops and secure.
Continue in this manner:
Middle finger: 18 stitches + pick up 2 stitches (20), remembering to pick up at least one stitch from index finger.
Ring finger: 16 stitches + pick up 2 stitches (18), remembering to pick up at least one stitch from Middle finger.
Pinky:  16 stitches + pick up 2 stitches from Ring finger.
Knit all fingers as you did for index finger.
Thumb: 17 stitches + 3 stitches at hand part of glove.  Knit as for index finger and finsh off accordingly.
Repeat for 2nd glove.
Newfie gloves 3