I was last here in November.  The holidays have been busy to say the least.  We had Thanksgiving at my house and then celebrated Christmas at my oldest son’s house.  Good times.

We all managed to get what we wanted.  That might be because none of our gifts were very expensive.  My youngest did give me a gift card to JoAnn’s in a hefty amount and I truly appreciate it.  He knows me too well. 🙂

As far as healthy goes, I have lost weight, gained weight, eaten things I should have stayed away from, especially during the holidays.  Now got to get back to some intense working out.  I do feel better when I work out.

I’ve also noticed more aches lately…due to arthritis.  Could be the cold that is affecting my joints.  I guess that’s what happens when you get older.  But I’m dealing with it.

Been knitting more lately.  Also have some small quilting projects to do.  So you may be seeing more photos of those in the near future.

Here it is, New Year’s Eve.  No plans to party. Will probably watch some celebrations on the TV. I’ve only made one New Year’s resolution and that is to learn some new knitting techniques that I have never done before.

Here’s wishing all of you a prosperous 2015.

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