Starting the New Year Off Right!

Happy New YearI think I am starting the New Year of 2015 off on the right foot.  I got up this morning got on the treadmill for 35 minutes and walked the dog for 15.

I unsubscribed from some email junk that I had been meaning to eliminate for awhile now. I also evaluated some of the groups I belong to and un-joined some.  One in particular had become a playground for petty, high school, juvenile crap.  I am too old for that nonsense and life is too short to spend time dealing with that idiocy.

Plan to spend time learning new techniques in knitting, crocheting and quilting this year.  I’d like to try my hand at some things I previously considered too hard or too time consuming.  Who knows, I might become the Guru of Crafts. 🙂

What changes have you made or plan to make?