
We all need some sort of motivation to keep us going on the healthy path. It is too easy to slip back into old habits. So we must be ever vigilant in our travels to a healthy state.

I know there are plenty of mornings when I get up that I just dread going on my walk. But I try to think about the pluses of my walk.

1. My dog LOVES it and looks forward to it daily.

2. My clothes fit better.

3. I am no longer short of breath when walking long distances.

4. I am getting healthier.

5. I get to be outside in the fresh air.

6. My bad cholesterol has dropped from 220 to 89 (WOOHOO!)

7. My bones are stronger. I will be less likely to have osteoporosis. I will be less likely to break a bone due to osteoporosis.

8. I burn more calories because I am developing more muscle mass, instead of fat.

9. I have more energy during the day.

10. I feel good about myself when I am done with my walk. I have accomplished something good for myself.

What do you do to motivate yourself to continue with your healthy lifestyle?

See you on the good side of healthy.


2 thoughts on “Motivation

  1. Thanks, DM. We are up to 2 3/4 miles each morning. I hope to increase that up to 5 miles, but will do that gradually.

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