Age is Relative

The other day hubby and I went to Krystal to get lunch.  He wore his Vietnam Vet baseball cap, like he does most of the time when we are out.

We ordered our food and I took out my wallet to pay, while hubby got us a table.  The young lady behind the counter asked me to tell hubby “Thanks for his service to our country.”  Then she asked if I knew him while he was serving in Vietnam.  I told her I met him AFTER he returned.

It wasn’t until later that day that I realized how she perceived us….that little “old” couple who came in for lunch.

I laughed a bit at that thought because I don’t see myself or hubby as “old”.  I’m 64 and he is 66.  I am active.  I walk my dog daily.  I go on short hikes with my sons.  We visit historical sites and wander all over those places.  We visit zoos and state parks. We work in the yard.

So what I’m trying to say is Age is Relative.  Granted I don’t see or hear as well as I did when I was younger.  I also have Asthma and high cholesterol, but I’m not going to let those minor annoyances stop me from doing what I want to do when I want to do it.

So here’s to age, perception and relativity.
