Went to Another Zoo

We went to another nearby zoo.  Took about an hour and 10 minutes to get there.  It’s much smaller than the first zoo that is near us, but has some interesting exhibits.  Here are a few pictures:









5 thoughts on “Went to Another Zoo

  1. Sharon, these are great, however I’m a bit worried because I don’t see any barriers between you and your subjects. Hopefully everyone had been fed before you started the photo ops. I vote on the ostrich or is it an emu as my favorite.

  2. Actually, they had observation platforms, so we were up looking down on most of the animals. The lioness was behind a high fence, but I found a 2 inch gap in the gate and focused through that. Waited until she looked straight at me and snapped the picture. And it is an Emu. Funny looking bird that was curious about us.

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